Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rang David Smith at VicRoads and had heated discussion with him. My contention, as it has been since day one, is that the noise has got worse since they upgraded the barriers. He says that the numbers prove that it is no worse and that they will go to MPs first and then made generally available. I do not believe any numbers quoted by VicRoads for 3 reasons
  1. They made tests during early December and promised that the results would be available by Christmas. Just before Christmas received a letter stating that the results had been delayed (by weather or sme such feeble excuse) and would be available by end of January. It is now end of February and we have not seen anything. Why have they lied to us? Is it because the numbers don't show what they want?
  2. The only post-testing I have seen is the microphone that was placed outside my window for a few days and testing for a couple of hours in Basil St. This means that their other testing was done over a very short period which is not representative.
  3. One lady in Thornbury Crescent was told by a VicRoads staff member that he regretted that no testing was done before the barriers were upgraded.
Based on these reasons I do not believe that VicRoads will publish numbers that are representative of the true situation. They will only publish something that will justify their expenditure of public money, even if it is not true!

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