Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sent the following email to Michael O'Brien with a cc to David Smith if VicRoads. Have received no reply from Michael O'Brien.

Dear Michael,

Just to let you know that I received a telephone call from David Smith at VicRoads on Wednesday 16th  January. In that phone call he informed me among other things that remedial work on the upgraded barriers had been completed and all gaps had been filled.

I did a quick inspection of the barriers this morning and noticed that the gaps in the barriers still exist and some of the newly installed flashing had come unfixed leaving further gaps. Why are VicRoads telling us they did things when they plainly did not? Also, why are they happy with substandard workmanship?

Our complaints are genuine. Are VicRoads taking them seriously or only paying lip service to them?

We hope that you can assist because we as residents are becoming fed up with the noise and demand some immediate improvement.

He also informed me that the results of the noise measurement should be available next week.

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